GALERIA-Georgia O'Keeffe_en
Raking light of the painting “White Iris No. 7”, 1957
“New York Street with Moon”: Comparative visible image and radiographic image
Composition of images from the painting "Shell and Old Shingle V", 1926
Visible image of the painting "Shell and Old Shingle V", 1926
Detail of the back of the painting "Shell and Old Shingle V", 1926
Visible image of the painting “New York Street with Moon”, 1925
“White Iris No. 7”: Comparative between visible and infrared image
Detail of the restoration team studying the painting "From the Plains II"
"From the Plains II": Comparative between visible and infrared imaging
Detail of the color catalogs made by Georgia O'Keeffe
Visible image of the painting "From the Plains II", 1954
Detail of the micro-sample taken from the painting ''From the Plains II'', 1954
Detail of the restoration team developing the technical study
Technical study of the work “White Iris No. 7”, 1957: comparative image taken with ultraviolet light, visible light and raking light
Image visible of the painting “Abstraction. Blind I”, 1921
Back of the painting “Abstraction. Blind I”, 1921