One more year, we celebrate our summer concerts on the terraces of the museum. Momentos Alhambra | #AperitivosThyssen returns on this occasion under the title "Rarezas", a cycle dedicated to exploring works from the collection that are outstanding for their unique, atypical and extraordinary character.

The invited musicians will explore a selection of paintings that define the collection by their atypical character: works with themes ahead of their time; with characters depicted in unorthodox ways; mysterious representations of religious character that still have no clear explanation; or paintings that contain pictorial details that make them unique for their time... "Rarezas" thus shows a selection of works that enrich the story of the collection thanks to their unique and exceptional character.

Each musician or group will enter into dialogue with one of these paintings, paying homage to them and their stories through their music.

The entrance will be free until full capacity is reached.

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Momentos Alhambra

Related works

Thirty-three Little Girls set out for the White Butterfly Hunt. Max Ernst
The Virgin of the Dry Tree. La Virgen del árbol seco, c. 1465
Expulsion. Moon and Firelight. Expulsión. Luna y luz de fuego, c. 1828
Boy in a Turban holding a Nosegay. Muchacho con turbante y un ramillete de flores, c. 1658
Jesus Among the Doctors. Jesús entre los doctores, 1506
Portrait of Dr. Haustein. Retrato del Dr. Haustein, 1928
Armchair No. 2. Sillón nº 2, 1967