
At 12.00 and 17.30 (duration: 45 min)

Room 27


Booking opens on 15 October online and on tel. +34 917 911 370 (from 10.00 to 20.00). 

Through stimulating dialogue with specialists in Old Master and modern painting, the Focus on the Work programme offers Friends the opportunity to further their knowledge of the permanent collection. Self-portrait wearing a Hat and two Chains (ca. 1642-43) by Rembrandt, an emblematic example of 17th-century Dutch portraiture, is the painting chosen by Dolores Delgado, curator of Old Master Painting. Through her explanations and comments she will analyse the work with the participants, as well as Rembrandt’s achievements and contributions and his relations with other leading painters of the day, such as Frans Hals and Bartholomeus van der Helst, also represented in the museum’s collection.