General public

18.00 (approximate duration: 1 hour)

Permanent collection rooms

Free entry until all places filled

Reindy, the word with which we have baptized this performance that we have been visualising, constructing, researching and working on, means sister in the sweet Guaraní language. But this word has endless meanings and is not only limited to blood, but is a term that is linked to the spiritual, to work, to conviction, to silence, to complicity, to struggle, to love, and this is how women in the world and throughout time have overcome all kinds of obstacles of discrimination, violence and silence, generating very strong and powerful bonds. 

The Brontës in the pen; Carmen, Martina, Blanca, Pilar, Julia, Adelina, Elena, Virtudes, Ana, Joaquina, Dionisia, Victoria and Luisa in the struggle; Germaine de Staël and Olympe de Gouges in the conception of new and better societies, all of them women and reindy (sisters) who have left us enormous legacies that we claim to this day. Spiritual sisters, sisters in blood, sisters in life, sisters in conviction, and sisters in the revolution. Concepts on which this work is based, which will recount and dust off the lives not only of one, but of thousands of women who throughout history have left us legacies that we vindicate today 

With the collaboration of The Cultural Center of Spain in Paraguay.

With the support of:

Cooperación Española

With the collaboration of:

The Social Hub