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Whathappenswhenourgazechangesitsepistemologicalperspective and the canonical worksof art history are subjectedto a decolonial critique? What ancestral, heteropatriarchalviolences are revealed in therepresentationsofmasterpiecesthathavereifiedthefemalebody? 

TheemblematicworkA Negra (1923) byTarsila do Amaral, theleadingfemaleartistofBrazilianModernism, serves as a guide and startingpointforthe art historian Suset Sánchez (bornHavana, 1977) toundertake a disruptive exerciseonwaysofseeing.” Herlecturewilladdressthehistoricity and ideologyoftheinterpretationsofthiswellknownimage, in which a Black femalebodyrevealspoliticalpower and ethno-racial tensions as a foundingimageofBrazilianmodern art and nationstoriesbasedonthediscourseof racial democracy in the 20th century. 

Starting with A Negra, Sánchez traces a route towards other images in which contemporary feminist artistic practices resignify women’s rebellious anatomy. The images that accompany her on this exercise traverse the resisting anatomy of non-normative bodies, proud of their differences, which survive racism, xenophobia, pathologisations, media beauty canons, stereotypes, displacements and numerous structural violences established in the control systems of global biopolitics.

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The Social Hub