Diptych with symbols of the Virgin and Redeeming Christ: Christ with the Cross as Redemptor Mundi (Right wing). Díptico con símbolos de la Virgen María y Cristo Redentor: Cristo en la Cruz como Redentor del mundo (ala derecha), c. 1410

These two paintings deploy a complex symbolism derived from religious texts. They were possibly commissioned by a client for the purpose of meditation on Mary’s virginal motherhood and the Redemption. In the left panel we see the Virgin and Child in an enclosed, circular garden that can be related to the hortus conclusus of the Song of Songs. In addition, the figures are surrounded by symbolic motifs derived from the Old Testament and which refer to Mary’s purity, for example, the Burning Bush that burns without being consumed and the closed door of Ezekiel’s vision, referring to the speculum sine macula. The right panel has a more complex iconography in which the still living Christ on the cross leans to his right towards an image of the New Church surrounded by symbols referring to his role as Redeemer.



15th Century14th and 15th Centuries - Early german paintingPaintingPanel
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