When Bierstadt painted The Falls of Saint Anthony in his New York studio he aimed to convey the original grandeur of the location in a depiction that contains a veiled critique of the destruction of one of the most unique natural sites in the United States. Rather than offer an image of the Falls as they were in his own time, Bierstadt aimed to recreate their original beauty, using compositional devices traditional in landscape painting.
A group of trees leads the eye into a panoramic view of the falls. Extending from the background, the evening light is magnified by the drops of water suspended in the atmosphere and bathes the forms in golden tones. In this sense Bierstadt’s work recalls Claude Lorraine’s compositions. The emphasis placed on the Falls themselves, whose drop is in fact equal in size to Niagara, reflects the artist’s training in Germany. Bierstadt, however, considered the American landscape to be superior to that of Europe in its beauty and monumentality, expressing this notion through the grandeur of compositions such as the present one. Also innovative is the minutely detailed manner of depicting the vegetation in the foreground. It reflects the artist’s interest in botany, which he shared with painters such as Frederic Edwin Church.
In the foreground Bierstadt depicts several Indians and a man with a stick seen from behind and wearing a hat. Recent research has suggested that this figure could be the Franciscan missionary Louis Hennepin who discovered the Falls in 1680.


19th Century19th Century. North American Painting. Hudson River SchoolPaintingOilcanvas
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