Thyssen-Bornemisza Collection Foundation, 2024

All rights reserved.

This website has been created by the THYSSEN-BORNEMISZA COLLECTION FOUNDATION for the purpose of providing free information for the personal use of those who access it. Use of the site implies the knowledge and acceptance of the following terms and conditions:

Website ownership

The domain names and are owned by the Thyssen-Bornemisza Collection Foundation (hereinafter "FOUNDATION”), fiscal ID number G-79015251, domiciled at Paseo del Prado 8, 28014 Madrid, with email mtb[at] The Foundation was entered in the Register of Private Cultural Foundations of the Ministry of Education, Culture and Sports on 3 March 1989 with entry number 136 on page 24.

Restrictions of Use

Users who access this website are authorised to view all the information and contents offered, and to download or privately reproduce same on their own computers, as long as the elements reproduced are STRICTLY FOR THE PERSONAL USE OF THE USER OR FOR EDUCATIONAL PURPOSES, are not subsequently passed on or shared with third parties. The downloaded content may not be installed on any server allowing third parties to access the information in a way other than via the FOUNDATION’S website (e.g. P2P networks). Use for educational purposes is defined as the non-commercial use of images in presentations,lectures, school or university projects, and academic or research publications of which no more than 1,000 not-for-profit copies are printed. Inquiries regarding other uses should be directed to the Museum’s Picture Library. The FOUNDATION provides higher resolution images and different sized images in the Image Library on this website.

The FOUNDATION reserves the right to prohibit or prevent access to any user who posts any type of content on the website that violates legal regulations or moral rights, and it will co-operate with the authorities to identify people who post any unlawful content on the website.

Intellectual, industrial and similar property rights

ll contents and elements accessible to users via this website, be they texts, graphic designs, sound, visual (with the exception of works of the FOUNDATION’S Permanent Collection, whose use is governed by the provisions set out in the next clause) and audiovisual compositions or computer applications expressed in any code or language ( HTML, JAVA, JAVA SCRIPT, ACTIVE X, etc.) are subject to the intellectual, industrial or similar financial property rights of the FOUNDATION or the third parties (set out in the copyrights section of the website).The FOUNDATION is not responsible for the use of these images by third parties. Access to this content and these elements via this website does not grant users any rights over them. Users may not alter, amend, exploit, reproduce, distribute or publicly communicate them. Users who access the website specifically undertake not to use the content or elements of the website for commercial use, either directly or indirectly. The user must request permission from the FOUNDATION if the images are to be used for commercial purposes. Any user who violates these restrictions of use, the intellectual property, industrial or similar rights, or of the current legislation, will be prosecuted by the FOUNDATION through appropriate legal channels.

Conditions of use of the images from the FOUNDATION’S Permanent Collection

All the exploitation rights of the images of works in the Permanent Collections of the Fundación Colección Thyssen-Bornemisza are the exclusive property of the FOUNDATION. However, users are permitted to download and use the images, in any medium, providing that use is for non-commercial purposes. For those works subject to copyright a license from the author or the holder of the rights must be obtained.


The FOUNDATION shall only be liable for the information on this website that it has created itself. The FOUNDATION shall not be held liable for any type of information that may have been posted at the Web by users, nor for any information contained on other sites not directly managed by the FOUNDATION which may be accessed from this website via hypertext links. The links appearing on this website are offered solely for the purpose of information and in no way constitute a suggestion or incitement to users to visit the websites to which they lead. Consequently, under no circumstances shall the FOUNDATION be liable for any results obtained by the user from the websites accessed through the aforementioned links.

The FOUNDATION shall not be liable for the damages caused by any viruses or other elements that may harm computer systems, electronic documents or user files on this website or third-party websites. The FOUNDATION is not liable for any interruption, error or failure occurring in the system that is the result of the faulty operation of the online network or of any servers connected to the network.

Specific services

THE FOUNDATION offers specific services to users, subject to the terms and conditions indicated for each service stated on the website. Users must read the conditions attached to each of these services with care. Users will under no circumstances be exempt from complying with the terms stated in the legal notice, except where stated otherwise.


The content of this website and this notice may be amended or updated by the FOUNDATION at any time and without prior notice.

Legislation and Jurisdiction

These General Conditions are governed by Spanish Law. For the resolution of disagreements the parties involved will willingly submit themselves, renouncing any other place of jurisdiction, to the law courts of the user’s place of residence. In addition, given that the Museum is an institution associated with CONFIANZA ONLINE and as set out in the terms of its Ethical Code, in case of disagreements relating to online trading and advertising, data protection, protection of minors, and accessibility, the user can have resort to CONFIANZA ONLINE's extra-judicial system of conflict resolution, as established in the Jurado de la Publicidad and in the Junta Arbitral Nacional del Consumo.


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