Mondays with Mastercard
In the upcoming weeks, you’re going to have a chance to discover some of the most important paintings in our Museum thanks to the Priceless Cities Program by Mastercard.
Stories, interesting facts, artistic information and much more await you along the virtual tour. This virtual visit is but the first of a series we’ve prepared for you.
With the sponsorship of:
Full-length videos
Picasso by Enrique Rodríguez de Tembleque, museum conservator
14th September 2020
Picasso by Enrique Rodríguez de Tembleque, museum conservator
14th September 2020
Rembrandt by Angeles Rodríguez, museum educator
7th September 2020
Cranach by Alejandra Martos, museum conservator
31st August 2020
Marc Chagall by María Quintas, museum educator
24th August 2020
Richard Estes by Yanira Franco, museum front desk staff (in Spanish)
17th August 2020
Vittore Carpaccio by Begoña de la Riva, museum educator (in Spanish)
10th August 2020
Rogier van der Weyden by Dolores Delgado, Old Masters painting museum curator (in Spanish)
3rd August 2020
Degas by Clara Marcellán, Modern Painting museum curator (in Spanish)
27th July 2020
Cornell by Salvador Martín, museum educator (in Spanish)
20th July 2020
Caravaggio by Teresa de la Vega, museum guide (in Spanish)
13th July 2020
Edward Hopper by Elisa Sopeña, museum guide (in Spanish)
6th July 2020
We are pleased to continue supporting the Thyssen Museum during this special days. Now more than ever we believe it is very important to amplify and support culture and thanks to technology and digitalization we can continue offering Priceless online experiences that make confinement more easygoing. We hope you can join #ThyssenFromHome.