Jan Provost was a renowned 16th-century painter who primarily worked in the city of Bruges. His style is considered to represent the transition from late Gothic to the Renaissance and he influenced artists of the importance of Dürer, whom he met during the latter’s trip to the Low Countries. This female portrait represents a donor figure set against the background of a garden. It is filled with a wealth of details painted with meticulous care in a manner derived from the Flemish Primitives and from French miniature painting. Grete Ring considered that the portrait may have formed part of a triptych and related it to a male portrait in the John G. Johnson Collection in the Philadelphia Museum of Art, with which it would have formed the two lateral wings. It has been suggested that the central panel could have depicted a Virgin and Child or an Annunciation.


16th Century16th Century - Netherlandish paintingPaintingOilpanel
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