Detalle de la firma en forma de anagrama  “19D26” de la obra de Dix, “Hugo Erfurth con perro”

The secret inscriptions of Dix

Detalle de la inscripción del reverso de la obra de Dix, “Hugo Erfurth con perro”

In the process of studying the painting Hugo Erfurth with a dog, we discovered some inscriptions that were decisive for our research.

There are two inscriptions signed by Dix on the back that provide information about the painting. The first one refers to the technique and offers advise for handling:

“Mixed technique. Last layer oil. Linseed oil.”

“It should not be moved before Sept. 27. Dix”

The second one, located in the upper right corner and smaller in size, gives facts on the varnish’s commercial brand: “Lukas matt. Mixed with bee’s wax 50/50”.

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