General public

Fridays at 16.30


€9 additional fee over the ticket price

Booking online and on tel.+34 917 911 370 (from 10.00 to 20.00).

A museum like the Thyssen may seem a strange place to talk about science. However, since ancient times, art and science formed a single body of knowledge. It was only after the forced separation of Nature and Culture in the 17th century, and the subsequent enlightened organization of knowledge, that their separation became blatant.

Today, despite the specialization of knowledge, both scientists and artists agree on the common role played by inspiration. More importantly, they often collaborate on common projects to better understand the world we live in and to act on its most pressing challenges, such as climate change.

In this spirit, this new space opened by the museum under the title "Let's Talk about Science", aims to revindicate the distant origins of the museum institution as a museion, that is, a center dedicated to the muses, where poets and scientists lived and worked together.

According to the planned agenda, it will include activities as diverse as guided tours, colloquiums, symposiums and activities related to the week of the science.


Let´s talk about Science