Noemí Iglesias Barrios. Love Profussion (detail)

Press release

The Museo Nacional Thyssen-Bornemisza is presenting Love Me Fast, an exhibition devoted to Noemi Iglesias Barrios and the 7th in the “Kora” programme curated by Rocío de la Villa, which presents an annual exhibition conceived from a gender perspective. On this occasion the project focuses on the work of Noemi Iglesias Barrios (born Langreo, 1987) and includes twenty-five of her works. Executed in a wide range of materials, such as bronze, glass, video photography and above all porcelain, they establish a dialogue with some of the paintings in the museum’s collections.

In Love Me Fast the Asturian-born Iglesias reflects on romantic love in the age of social media, an idealised love comparable to consumer happiness, juxtaposed with the toxic relationships that often arise. The result is a series of works of great beauty which also question the notions of art and craft both in the history of art and in the present-day context of artistic creation in the 21st-century.

Noemi Iglesias is among the contemporary artists who have reinstated ceramics and porcelain at the centre of the art system, both at fairs and biennials and in museum exhibitions. For just over a decade her interest in this age-old technique has led her to undertake numerous artist residencies in study centres in countries with different cultural traditions, from Greece to the United Kingdom, Hungary, China, Korea and Taiwan, resulting in an exceptionally high level of technical mastery. The tenacity and patience required in the learning process and the procedures involved in working with porcelain appear to be an antidote to the “fast love” which Iglesias remorselessly analyses, critiques and judges in her work.

With the collaboration:

Las Rozas Village

Images and list of artworks

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