Art Explora Foundation

Art Explora is a French foundation created with the objective of bringing culture, in all its diversity of visions and forms of expression, to all possible audiences.
Thus, Art Explora lends its support to projects as diverse as exhibitions in galleries and museums, educational initiatives (in collaboration with La Sorbonne, for example), or The Art Explora – Académie des beaux-arts European Award, which the museum call #VersionaThyssen has received (2nd winner in 2020).
In all its actions, the foundation's focus falls on the aim of bringing culture and artistic production to new audiences, seeking innovative ways to tackle this mission. An example of this is his most recent project: the creation of the ArtExplorer ship, conceived as the itinerant center of an international exhibition with capacity for 2,000 people a day.
I am convinced that art is essential to everyone’s life but that the inequalities related to the access of its creation are still too deep. There is an urgent need for culture to come out of its comfort zone and reach a wider audience. I am creating Art Explora to take up this major challenge: sharing culture with as many people as possible.